Doors with side lights are most difficult to protect because they do not have a real jamb. The Door Armor Sidelight Jamb Shield screws back into the face of the jamb, in order to create the necessary rigidity. The Sidelight Hinge Shields attach the Side Light door frame to the top and bottom of the Door Frame. Please note: You might need to remove the trim along the face of the door in order to install this product.
Watch our CEO Install the Side Light Door Kit...
The Door Armor side light door kits are intended for do it yourself installation. This video shows our CEO installing the kit. If HE can do it, we're pretty sure that you can do it too...

So what is the Door Armor advantage? It is simple. Door Armor stops an intruder from ever entering your home. If the intruder can't get inside then they move on, leaving your home, your belongings, and yourself including loved ones safe and secure.Police Tested & Recommended
Since 2004, our door security products have been put to the test thousands of times. News teams, big bad guys (all seemingly named Bubba) and many others have believed that Door Armor would fail. This video below is one of the best. There are many fake videos on the Internet these days. This video was made in 2012 and we had zero involvement in performing this test. We actually didn't even know about it until after. The company that made this video set out to prove that it would fail. See for yourself what happens...
Doors with side lights are most difficult to protect because they do not have a real jamb. The Door Armor Sidelight Jamb Shield screws back into the face of the jamb, in order to create the necessary rigidity. The Sidelight Hinge Shields attach the Side Light door frame to the top and bottom of the Door Frame. Please note: You might need to remove the trim along the face of the door in order to install this product.
Watch our CEO Install the Side Light Door Kit...
The Door Armor side light door kits are intended for do it yourself installation. This video shows our CEO installing the kit. If HE can do it, we're pretty sure that you can do it too...

So what is the Door Armor advantage? It is simple. Door Armor stops an intruder from ever entering your home. If the intruder can't get inside then they move on, leaving your home, your belongings, and yourself including loved ones safe and secure.Police Tested & Recommended
Since 2004, our door security products have been put to the test thousands of times. News teams, big bad guys (all seemingly named Bubba) and many others have believed that Door Armor would fail. This video below is one of the best. There are many fake videos on the Internet these days. This video was made in 2012 and we had zero involvement in performing this test. We actually didn't even know about it until after. The company that made this video set out to prove that it would fail. See for yourself what happens...

Door Armor Color/Night Lock Color

Door Armor Color/Night Lock Color

Door Armor Color/Night Lock Color